Global measures to address climate change







At the first World Climate Conference held in Geneva, Switzerland in 1979, scientists warned that an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration would lead to global warming, and climate change was first put on the agenda as an issue of international concern species worldwide going extinct.


In 2016, 175 countries jointly signed the Paris Agreement, committing to strive to achieve positive and negative offsetting of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions through measures such as forests and oceans, afforestation, energy conservation and emission reduction in the second half of this century, known as "climate neutrality.


At present, the main measures to mitigate climate change are reducing emissions and increasing sinks. Compared with emission reduction measures, sink enhancement measures have become an important means of mitigating climate change due to their low cost, multiple benefits, and ease of operation.


Carbon storage refers to the storage of carbon. Usually includes aboveground biomass, underground biomass, litter, dead wood, and soil organic matter carbon pool. Its unit is the unit of quality.


Due to the fact that carbon is always involved in the carbon cycle rather than oxygen, the amount of carbon involved in the carbon cycle process is always calculated instead of the amount of carbon dioxide.


There are a total of 107 tons of carbon on Earth, most of which exist in the form of fossil fuels and carbonate rocks such as limestone.The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 0.037%, while the content of carbon monoxide and methane is very low, but the average carbon pool content in the atmosphere is Up to 730 billion tons.


Most of the carbon on Earth is still stored in the oceans, and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is formed when carbon dioxide in the air dissolves in water.The carbon pool on land is composed of soil and organic matter. Among them, the carbon content in soil is 1.5 trillion tons, and the carbon in organic matter mainly comes fromBotany. There are two sources of carbon in soil: one is the carbon produced by the decomposition of organic matter after death; The second is the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by the pore capacity between soil particles.


Forest plants absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis to produce organic matter and release oxygen, thereby reducing carbon dioxide in the air.Scientific research shows that for every cubic meter of wood grown, an average of 1.83 tons of carbon dioxide are absorbed and 1.62 tons of oxygen are released. Bamboo has a higher photosynthetic rate than ordinary tree forests and can quickly absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Among them, the carbon sequestration capacity of bamboo forest ranks first, which is 1.32 times that of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest and 3.90 times that of Pinus massoniana forest. If each bamboo plant can offset 8 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year, 333 bamboo plants can be planted per hectare, which can offset 2.664 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare.




According to IPCC estimates, the global terrestrial ecosystem has 2.48 trillion tons, with 1.15 trillion tons of carbon stored in forest ecosystems.

The results of the 9th National Forest Resource Inventory (2014-2018) show that China has a forest area of 220 million hectares and an artificial forest area of 79.54 million hectares, maintaining its position as the world's largest. The total carbon storage of forest vegetation reaches 9.186 billion tons, with an annual carbon sequestration of 434 million tons and an annual oxygen release of 1.029 billion tons.



Carbon footprint refers to the collection of greenhouse gas emissions caused by businesses, activities, products, or individuals. The main channels of greenhouse gas emissions include transportation, food production and consumption, energy use, and various production processes.

Carbon footprint represents the 'carbon consumption' of an individual or group. Carbon "refers to natural resources composed of carbon elements such as oil, coal, and wood. The more carbon is consumed, the more carbon dioxide, the culprit of global warming, is produced, and the larger the carbon footprint. On the contrary, the smaller the carbon footprint.